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New Year New Me

The cliche of new years resolutions often bothers people and I hear it often. However, the way my brain works giving myself a boost of motivation on the first of January is refreshing.

This year my ocd is very happy to revisit my goals on the first day of the year, the month, and the week (a monday) What better time to get STARTED or RESTARTED!

During the holidays like everyone my life got a little busy, a little hectic and I was off track in many aspects including out of the gym for almost 2 months!!

So it is important to me to revisit all of my goals.

As of now I hold myself accountable to reach for the stars and beyond! Also to accept where I fail & where I succeed as a part of my story! To focus on the joys of today in all of the following ways:

-Focus on investing in my children and their future!

-GIve MY all in my relationship

-Build up my man and the people around me

-Get more organized around the house

-Create a blessings jar with notes of good things that happen

-spend more time with my babies & fur babies

-keep up at the gym and keep keeping up

-Drink more water & less soda!!

-Continue to track diet, take every day seriously!

-Budget, Save, Be more mindful of money

-Grow my business, create a brand & Professionalize

-Explore, Travel, go on adventures (include the kids)

-Give More; Share, help and donate whenever i can

-Get a more regular sleep pattern + quit hitting snooze

-look to my vision board regularly for the "big picture"

-Teeth Care: Whiten, Floss, brush 3x Daily (you only get one set:)

-be in reality and off of social media when necessary

-attend church more regularly, put god first!!

-continue to journal, blog and keep track of life

-Get outdoors! hike, farmers markets, kayak, walk

-Stick to a skin care routine; including sunscreen

-be thankful and share your gratitude more often

-be fierce & unapolageticaly yourself every single day

-do one thing that scares the hell out of you

-love who you see in the mirror today, yesterday and tommorow

-make time for hobbies and your love of creativity

-Travel or begin plans to travel, concrete plans

-offer more events + classes to get involved in the community

-Give my best and stop worrying about the rest

-devote time to family bonds; more visits are a priority


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